





Liu, H. W., Jehng, J. C. J., Chen, C. H. V., & Fang, M. (2014). What Factors Affect Teachers in Taiwan in Becoming More Involved in Professional Development? A Hierarchical Linear Analysis. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(3), 381-400.(SSCI:Impact Factor: 0.854)
  1. 劉曉雯、楊君琦、郭逢耀(2010),「環境海洋與天然災害產業研究概況與預測:以台灣為例」,數據分析第5卷第2期,頁129-139
  2. 劉曉雯、楊君琦、鄒幼涵(2010),「台灣能源科技產業之發展概況與預測」,數據分析第5卷第2期,頁141-153。
  3. 鄭晉昌、劉曉雯、林俊宏、陳春希(2006),多向度之管理職能評鑑與主管級員工績效及績效改善之關係:一項結合橫貫面與縱貫面之研究」,人力資源管理學報,第六卷第四期,1-21。
  4. 鄭晉昌、劉曉雯(2003),『組織核心職能模式之建立』,2003年人力資源管理年鑑,中華人力資源管理協會出版,頁10-14
  5. 周佳慧、劉曉雯(2003),『服務業人力資源管理的特性』,2003年人力資源管理年鑑,中華人力資源管理協會出版,頁148-151



  1. Liu, H. W., & Yang, C. C.(2015). "The Construction and Vaildation of an Elementary and Secondary Teachers' Professional Development Inventory",  13th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Zurich, Switerland.
  2. 楊君琦,劉曉雯,謝邦昌(2012年08月)。提升大學教師研究績效政策之適 用性探討--組織政策對生涯導向與研究績效關係之調節效果。第九屆兩岸高 校人力資源開發與管理研討會 ,合肥,安徽,中國。
  3. Yang Chun-Chi, Hsiao-Wen LiuBen-Chang Shia, (2011).”Career Orientation and Research Performance in University Faculties: Moderating by Organization and Working Time Context”IACCP 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. 

  4. Chun-Chi Yang, Hsiao-Wen Liu, Ben-Chang Shia(2010). "The Manpower Profile and Researchers’ Work Motives on Projects Sponsored by Taiwan Government". International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
  5. Jihn-Chang. J. Jehng, Chun-Hsi Chen, &Hsiao-Wen Liu(2010). "What Influences Employees to Become Involved in Development Activities?". The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
  6. Yang Chun-Chi, Hsiao-Wen Liu, Ben-Chang Shia (2009), “The Relationship between Career Orientations of Researchers, Individual Performance, and Motives for executing projects subsided by government”, 11th European Congress of Psychology ECP09, Oslo, Norway.

  7. Jehng, J. C., & Liu, H. W. (2008). " Exploring How 360 Degree Assessment Helps Improve Mnagerial Competence and Performance outcome". The Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, L.A., CA.

  8. 楊君琦、謝邦昌、劉曉雯、李信達(2008年10月)。海洋產業與天然災害之科技計畫人力規劃初探。第二屆中國統計學年會─理論創新與應用探索,浙江工商大學,中國杭州。

  9. 楊君琦,謝邦昌,劉曉雯(2008),影響大專院校教師投入政府補助科技研究計畫之因素-生涯導向與激勵因子. International conference on Workforce Education and Development.
  10. Hsiao-Wen Liu, Jihn-Chang J. Jehng, Chun-Hsi Chen (2008). The Moderating Effect of Mentorship Type over Mentoring Functions on Organizational Socialization. 第一屆亞太人力資源政策與應用研討會。 